A Design For Living
What is Luckism®?
It’s a design. It claims to be nothing more than the best effort of one person to make an improved system of behavior for humanity. It starts with the personal modesty and openness of mind that comes from acknowledging that most of what happens in life is beyond our understanding and control. The key is figuring out when our attempts to control things has gone so far that it is causing more harm than good. Deterioration of the earthly environment is certainly a persuasive indicator.
Where does LUCKISM® come from?
It’s hard to figure out all the sources of the design. One of the broad themes that has influenced me is undoubtedly the idea that human intelligence is extremely limited. That shows up in many places such as the modesty of Jewish Talmudic sages (Teiku - link/footnote), the techniques of Zen Buddhists (koan - link/footnote) and the philosophy of Daoists (the Dao - link/footnote). In Science it is being proven in the deepest findings of Physics and Mathematics. (- link/footnote) In anecdotal form it is demonstrated constantly in private experience and public events. All this permanent ignorance supports the conclusion that it is a universal phenomenon, eternally entangled with reality. [Here we can engage in mystical speculation about the linkage.] So why not take the luck that arises from the operation of the unpredictable and use it as a starting point for the design? It is demonstrable. It is commonly experienced. It is natural. It is eternal. It points to limits within which it is wise to conduct our lives.
Another line of influence was a personal fascination with play and chance as a source of innovation as opposed to methods relying on strict goal-oriented planning and control. Some of my best work (- link/footnote) involved the subject of unpredictable chance and came about as a result of noticing the result of mindless play.
This untitled painting by Sengai Gibon (1750–1837), a Japanese monk, has been called “The Universe.” It might just as well be called “The Source.”
Where can I get it?
If you already believe in the reality of luck in life you have taken the first step already. If you have experienced the sensation of being subject to the power of luck, whether in games of chance or taking a chance in life, then you know it is real. All you have to do is find out how that single fact, the existence of luck as a facet of reality, serves as the foundation of a complete way of life.