LUCKISM® is a new life-guidance system based on insights from traditional wisdom, deep science and common sense. It is both demonstrably true and paradoxically mystifying. I invite you to explore LUCKISM® on this site and consider applying it to your life. Use “Contact Us” to send a message.
I welcome respectful questions and constructive comments.
An abstraction of the “Thinker” getting hit by “Luck” might be a good logo for LUCKISM®. I welcome your comments.
WHAT DOES THIS IMAGE MEAN? This playful image of Rodin’s Thinker being hit by a bird dropping is intended to convey the idea that we are always subject to the unpredictable operation of natural luck, the universal phenomenon which LUCKISM® uses for guidance.
Giving deep respect to natural luck leads to life principles like these in LUCKISM®: 1. Get all the essentials of life (material and immaterial) as directly as possible. 2. Don’t separate yourself from nature and human contact. 3. Keep science and technology focused on earthly harmonies. 4. Don’t try to control everything.
Explore this site to learn more.
Answering a few simple questions can help you decide if LUCKISM® fits you. Take the quiz here.
What is LUCKISM® ?
LUCKISM®is a way of life built on respect for the natural luck “underneath” everything in the universe. If you accept the reality of luck you are in tune with LUCKISM®. This site will show you how to use that basic fact to make your life as good as possible - both for yourself and for the world around you. On this site you will find a summary of LUCKISM® and how to make the most of it.
Daniel Young, the designer of LUCKISM®, substituted dice for the measuring compass in William Blake’s original depiction of a creator god. (shown adjacently) This modification shows the centrality of chance in the universe - the basic belief of LUCKISM®.
Blake’s original.
What is Natural Luck?
Natural luck is the unknowable part of everything that happens in the world. It is part of the structure of the universe, the fundamental phenomenon which is always beyond our knowledge and control. It is acknowledged in science, traditional wisdom and personal experience. It affects everything we do from the subatomic level to the cosmic level. Trying to dominate it, aside from being futile, is harmful. Getting close to it is good and wise. LUCKISM® shows you how to improve your life and the world around you by living in harmony with natural luck.
Young says, “Live near the waterfall, not inside it.” One of Hokusai’s waterfall prints illustrates the point.
What Does LUCKISM® Feel Like?
Humans use many words to describe the state of existence they consider most desirable. Here are some of them: contentment, detachment, enlightenment, epiphany, happiness, flow, good spirits, harmony, meditative, peace of mind, saintliness, satisfaction, satori, tranquility.
Whatever you call it, the practice of LUCKISM® is a good way to achieve a state of being in which you feel most in tune with your situation in the universe. It accomplishes this because it puts you in touch with the forces operating at the bottom of everything - good or bad. It works not to give you the false hope of controlling everything but to give you the more advanced and more useful skill of harmonizing with reality.
Body surfing is a good physical example because it involves just two basic components, your body and the waves of a body of water. You choose the wave and commit yourself to it. In this interaction natural luck has an enormous role.
Granted that you are exercising skill and control. But you are also trying to achieve harmony with forces which you know are vastly greater than your own, not to dominate those forces. That is the state of mind in which the meditator feels connected to “everything” or the state of being in which the sublimated gambler has the sensation of being connected to “luck.” What LUCKISM® aims for is to maintain or come close to that state in all the interactions of life - without thinking it is something extraordinary. That is what may be called “enlightenment.” For LUCKISM® it means moving through life with a full sense of connection to universal natural chance, seeking to increase that connection without trying to dominate it. Your approach is not discredited when a wave of life or death or the movement of fortune or misfortune overcomes your efforts and produces undesired results.
Best of all, LUCKISM® is based on reality, on verifiable experience. We know it is true. Yet it also has a component of mystery which will always remain beyond our understanding and control. We know that the mystery must be acknowledged in order for us recognize that we are part of something vastly greater than ourselves. Therefore, LUCKISM® is suitable for sustaining us in our proper place in life and, in that harmonious way, guide us as we move toward the future.
How Does It Apply?
Raphael’s School of Athens is used here to represent the idea that every civilization must make its best efforts to think about how to apply its deepest knowledge to human life. Our civilization, having presently reached the point of finding that there are structural limits to human knowledge and control and mortal dangers from trying to go beyond those limits, must think about incorporating that discovery into human behavior. That is the aim of LUCKISM®.
In Luckism® reverence for natural luck leads to modesty and harmonious conduct across the full range of human behavior. It gives practical and spiritual guidance to everything, from what we eat and drink to our scientific goals, from our tools and toys to our social relationships, from our entertainments to our economic decisions. The life guidance of LUCKISM® comes from always asking a simple question. How does a situation or proposed action affect our relationship to natural luck? Here are a few simple examples involving Water, Outer Space and Closeness.
Water is loaded with natural luck, namely, unknown and unknowable aspects of its life-supporting form and function. https://www.technology.org/2022/07/16/simply-complex/ It is the perfect substance with which to demonstrate the application of LUCKISM® to life. We can measure the health and quality of our lives, physical and spiritual, by our connection to water. The closer we come to a direct relationship with water the better. This means obtaining water as close to its natural source as possible, and always trying to avoid polluting and misusing water by our actions. Among other things this means avoiding obtaining water packaged in plastic containers, transported from distant places, particularly when it is “desecrated” by transformation into flavored, carbonated soda. Yes, soda is considered a bad thing for fundamental spiritual reasons. Simple as this sounds, this approach shows the attitude which LUCKISM® cultivates with respect to all the necessities of life and all the interactions in life. And it is all done with the idea of achieving proximity to the operation of natural luck.
The glamorization of “intensive care” in the dead zone of space is one of the main achievements of space programs.
LUCKISM® is opposed is to space travel and colonization. In space humans and other living things are completely cut off from natural luck - an extreme example of what LUCKISM® sees as the wrong place to be. How is it possible that this is promoted as the right direction for humanity? When life is totally supported by artificial means it is closer to death than life. Perhaps this condition can be justified if one is temporarily exploring regions that can be considered part of Earth, the upper atmosphere or the the depths of the oceans. But as a sustained living condition in lifeless places, particularly with the goal of establishing human colonies on other planets, it is wrong in all respects because it breaks all connection with natural luck.
Move this hospital bed into space and you have the equivalent of someone on a mission to colonize Mars.
LUCKISM® believes that, in all matters related to normal human activity the most desirable position is to be as close as possible to the natural objective or event because that is where the power of luck is most manifest. Stated differently, obtaining what is needed in life as naturally and directly as possible - as close to their source as one can get - is a matter of heightening the sense of harmonious existence and the meaningful connection to reality, the equivalent of living close to the gods or sacred places of traditional religions. This also applies to the essential life-enhancing satisfaction of the need to seek relationship with other living things, ranging from family to friends, acquaintances, accidentals, animals and plants.
With respect to communication LUCKISM® gives primacy to direct, face-to-face conversation. If electronic communication is used there is a preference for voice or voice plus video because they retain vestiges of direct physical reality.
In general, reducing the use of intermediaries in life, be they mechanical or human, will undoubtedly increase the time spent on practicing proximity, restoring a balance to life. This will lead to a healthy reduction of the time spent in indirect activity. In other words, more time will be spent engaged with natural luck than trying to maximize efficiency and control activity.
Harper's Magazine, September 1996:
> From an interview with Kurt Vonnegut in the November 1995 issue of Inc. Technology. Vonnegut was asked to discuss his feelings about living in an increasingly computerized world.
>> I work at home, and if I wanted to, I could have a computer right by my bed, and I'd never have to leave it. But I use a typewriter, and afterward I mark up the pages with a pencil. Then I call up this woman named Carol out in Woodstock and say, “Are you still doing typing?” Sure she is, and her husband is trying to track bluebirds out there and not having much luck, and so we chitchat back and forth, and I say, “Okay, I'll send you the pages.” Then I go down the steps and my wife calls, “Where are you going?” “Well,” I say, “I'm going to buy an envelope.” And she says, “You're not a poor man. Why don't you buy a thousand envelopes? They'll deliver them, and you can put them in the closet.” And I say, “Hush.” So I go to this newsstand across the street where they sell magazines and lottery tickets and stationery. I have to get in line because there are people buying candy and all that sort of thing, and I talk to them. The woman behind the counter has a jewel between her eyes, and when it's my turn, I ask her if there have been any big winners lately. I get my envelope and seal it up and go to the postal convenience center down the block at the corner of Forty-seventh Street and Second Avenue, where I'm secretly in love with the woman behind the counter. I keep absolutely poker-faced; I never let her know how I feel about her. One time I had my pocket picked in there and got to meet a cop and tell him about it. Anyway, I address the envelope to Carol in Woodstock. I stamp the envelope and mail it in a mailbox in front of the post office, and I go home. And I've had a hell of a good time. I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different.
These illustrations show the involvement of chance in three traditional belief systems, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism.
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Luckism® And Traditional Religions
To the extent that traditional religions acknowledge that there are unknowable aspects to their gods or to their fundamental principles they are consistent with LUCKISM®.
[To the extent that “knowable” instructions of traditional gods are consistent with the principles of LUCKISM® or cause no harm there is no conflict. [Insert Examples:]
The only areas in which problems may arise are those in which traditional religions encourage behavior which is inconsistent with reverence for natural luck. For example, religious instructions which mandate human domination of nature cannot be reconciled with LUCKISM®.
Fortunately, the most advanced religious beliefs encourage a deep and harmonious connection with nature.
The zone of the unknowable in LUCKISM® leaves room for people to have mystical concepts of its nature, so long as they do not result in deification of selfish human ambitions and desires. In LUCKISM® meditation on the nature of luck must inevitably lead to modesty, acceptance and tranquility. The sense of harmonious connection to “all” and diminution of the “self” which characterizes the mystical frame of mind is easily achieved in LUCKISM® by opening the mind to the pervasive presence of luck in the universe.
Who is Young?
This must be moved to a subsidiary position. It will contain biographical information, stressing how LUCKISM® could have been designed by anyone paying attention to the operation of chance in life. Although it is not the result of revelation in the traditional religious sense, it deserves the same respect as that given to traditional religions. It has all the elements of accepted belief systems, convincing belief in omnipresent and omnipotent power grounded in the unknowable and a plan for living based on it. The only thing it doesn’t have at the moment, is an organized group of followers. That requirement is more of an outgrowth of the rules for preferential tax-treatment by the government than a true standard. After all, does the existence of gravity need to be certified by the government?
Young uses a round fluorescent light bulb to simulate saintliness and to suggest, among other things, that anyone could have designed LUCKISM®.
Along the way Young made a few videos describing how he came to design LUCKISM®.
Young talks about how he came to design LUCKISM®.
Frequently Asked Questions
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem at em accusantium doloremque laudantium, et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
It is designed to serve the purposes of a religion, namely, to be a complete life-guidance system for humanity based on principles which have practical, spiritual and paradoxical features. So it is up to you to decide whether to call it a religion, a philosophy, a belief system or simply a way of life. Much depends on your definition of “religion.” If you mean the ultimate system of guiding principles by which you conduct your life then the answer can be “Yes.” If you mean something originating directly from a god who created the universe, then the answer is “No.”
Just knowing that natural luck exists is enough to help us determine what “positions” to take with respect to all the important decisions and events of life. How much do you have to know about physics and gravity in order to avoid walking off a cliff? How did the magnetic compass help early navigators before they knew why it pointed in a certain direction? Merely knowing that some things are in harmony with nature and others are not shows us what to seek and what to avoid in life. LUCKISM® helps you determine the right way.
Obtaining unprocessed food and drink directly from an original source will always have more of what is unknowable and unpredictable. This puts you closer to natural luck both in the form of the substance and the transaction by which you get it. (Water from the well or faucet. Food from the farmer.) LUCKISM® consists of applying this idea in all areas of life.
Preferring direct interactions and communications with other living things as opposed to using intermediary devices.
Walking rather than using machines.
Applying science to matters arising on Earth and not to outer space.
Yes. Think of a flat tire, a computer crash or any negative result brought about by the failure of a mechanical device.
No. We become more aware of when we may be trying to control things when it it is wiser to harmonize with them. The main problem presently is that we have gone too far in trying to dominate things and control the uncontrollable.
All the problems caused by human failure to bring its actions into harmony with the power of natural luck. Environmental problems, food problems, mental and physical health problems, economic problems, relationship problems (personal and public), political problems, war and crime problems - the list is long.
First, It can be theorized that it will help reduce bad luck arising from acts and situations which those who follow its precepts will avoid. More importantly, when inevitably, bad things happen in life it will provide a measure of comfort by fostering acceptance of unpredictable, natural events. This important subject, one of the great questions in life, will be dealt with in a more extensive way in another section. [LINK]
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus doloremque eaque laudantium error sit ipsam voluptatem accusantium doloremque eaque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, ipsa explicabo.
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Space exploration is the opiate of the oligarchs.