What Does Luckism® Feel Like?
What does LUCKISM® feel like?
Humans use many words to describe the state of existence they consider most desirable. Here are some of them: contentment, detachment, enlightenment, epiphany, happiness, flow, good spirits, harmony, meditative, peace of mind, saintly, satisfaction, satori.
Whatever you call it, the practice of LUCKISM® is a realistic way to achieve a state of being in which you feel most in tune with your situation in the universe. It accomplishes this because it is putting you in touch with the forces operating at the bottom of everything - good or bad. It works not to give you the false hope of controlling everything but to give you the true skill of harmonizing with reality.
Body surfing is a good physical example because it involve just two basic components, your body and the waves of a body of water. You choose the wave and commit yourself to it. In this interaction luck has an enormous role.
Granted that you are exercising skill and control. but it is done to achieve harmony with forces which you know are vastly greater than your own, not to dominate those forces. That is the state of mind and the state of being when the human gambler has the sensation of being connected to “luck.” What LUCKISM® aims for is to maintain that state in all the interactions of life - without thinking it is something extraordinary. That is what may be called “enlightenment.” For LUCKISM® it means moving through life with a full sense of connection to natural chance, seeking to increase that connection without trying to dominate it. Your approach is not discredited when the wave of life or death or the movement of fortune or misfortune overcomes your efforts and produces unexpected or undesired results.
It is the naturally heightened sense of a healthy animal, not an artificial enhancement. Best of all, it is based on reality, on verifiable experience. Yet it has the mystery and mastery which will always remain beyond our understanding and control. Therefore, it is suitable for keeping us in our proper place.