A believable belief system based on respect for the universal force we call “Natural Luck.”
If, like most people, you know luck is real, you may be ready to start practicing Luckism®. It’s the wisest way to live. It’s both provable and paradoxical. Keep scrolling to learn more.
An abstraction of the “Thinker” getting hit by “Luck” is our logo.
Natural Luck is the permanently unknowable part of nature. It is a phenomenon, not a personality. It is both a sign of energy and an indication of limits to human control. It makes things unpredictable and uncontrollable to a significant extent. Earlier in human history the operation of Natural Luck has been imagined as the action of one or more divine beings or abstracted as the unknowable “Dao.” In science it is becoming understood as basic uncertainty, incompleteness or incomputability at the deepest level of analysis.
In Luckism® the mere existence of Natural Luck is sufficient to support a complete life-guidance system. Wise conduct depends on staying close enough to Natural Luck to get its life-enhancing energy and achieve harmony in life but not making the harmful mistake of trying to dominate it.
LUCKISM® shows you the best positions to take in all the situations of life. It applies to everything; to obtaining nourishment, to using science and technology, to coping with the good and bad things that happen in life and to maintaining the relationships we have with family, friends and the world-at-large. It does not matter whether you call LUCKISM® a “way,” a “philosophy,” a “system” or even a “religion.” It is founded on provable, believable truth yet imbued with mystery, modesty and tolerance.
Daniel Young, the designer of Luckism®, substituted dice for the compass in William Blake’s depiction of a creator god. For god-worshippers this visualizes the centrality of chance in the universe.
Blake’s Original
Obtaining food and drink directly from an original, natural source will always involve you in more of what is unknowable and unpredictable, closer to natural energy. This puts you in touch with natural luck, both in the form of the nourishment itself and the transaction/interaction by which you get it.
. (at this point include all graphics and text from WHAT IS NATURAL LUCK? PAGE.
FOOD AND DRINK - Obtaining food and drink directly from an original source will always involve you in more of what is unknowable and unpredictable, closer to natural energy. This puts you in touch with natural luck, both in the form of the nourishment itself and the transaction by which you get it. (Water is most desirable from the body of water, the well or the reservoir via the faucet. Food is more desirable from the farmer or the cook.) LUCKISM® consists of applying this ideal in all areas of life. For a fuller explanation of food rules, See Here.
Preferring direct interactions and communications with other living things as opposed to using intermediary devices.
Walking rather than using machines.
Applying science to matters arising on Earth and not to outer space.
LUCKISM® does not want to explore or occupy outer space. That region is lacking in the natural luck in which we exist on Earth. There is more than enough for science to do on this planet. LUCKISM® does not concern itself with the inconceivably remote times of cosmic creation or the death of the universe. It gives its attention to the time of our here and now. on Earth. That’s big enough.
Yes, following LUCKISM® will change your life. It will probably slow things down. Yes, you will “accomplish” fewer things in a day. That is one of the benefits! The time you may initially think you are “wasting” is true life-energy restoration time, life-enhancement time, life-expansion time. LUCKISM® is in tune with what life should be. LIFE IS NOT MAXI-TASKING. LIFE IS NOT LIVING INDIRECTLY. LIVING IS NOT JUMPING AROUND!
Amida Waterfall by Hokusai
LUCKISM® says, “Live near the waterfall, not within it.”
For example, the prohibition of water as a routine commercial product, transported over long distances involves corporations and the larger question of relations between consumers and the products of those artificial economic entities. Water as used for purposes of marine transportation has to be examined. The use of more than 50 million gallons of fresh water to move a single ship through the Panama Canal comes into question. This connects to the subject of what those ships are carrying. Wouldn’t it be ironic if they were carrying bottles of water or soda?
Water provides a good example of how LUCKISM® finds beneficial rules for human conduct by focusing on our relationship to natural luck. Water is the most important natural substance. It is involved in the emergence of life and the sustenance of life. It is full of unknown and unknowable aspects of origin, form and function. Stated succinctly, water embodies natural luck and is deserving of sacred status.
It follows in LUCKISM® that water should be obtained as directly as possible from its source and should not be polluted, misused or wasted. This leads to the rejection of commercially bottled or packaged water except for use in emergencies. It also avoids flavored and carbonated water products which waste large amounts of water to produce a lesser amount of liquid product.
LUCKISM® advocates the end of the use of water to remove human waste. The time will come when people will look on our use of water to remove waste with disbelief and disgust.
In LUCKISM® simple starting points like seeking direct sources for our water needs and eliminating soda from the human diet connect to a wide range of behavioral modifications.
This approach exemplifies the attitude with which LUCKISM® approaches all the natural necessities of life and all the basic interactions in life. It is all done with the idea of achieving proximity to the operation of natural luck as a revered source of life energy.
Water, the amazing substance on which our lives depend, is a good first example of how Luckism® applies to life.
Water is full of natural luck, namely, aspects of it’s origin, physical nature and function which are beyond our understanding and are likely to remain so. Water is a basic example of how life depends on a mix of understandable order and unknowable chance. This characterizes all things and processes in the universe. In the flush of pride over our ability to apply our intelligence to achieving some degree of control over the natural world we have lost respect for the vast extent over which uncontrollable chance rules.
Against that background Luckism® works to offer humanity a way to achieve a healthy balance. This means that we try to live in the zone where natural luck give energy to life but we do not seek the level of control and domination which, aside from being impossible, is a source of harm and destruction. In simple terms this translates into choosing water rather than soda. We move on from there to the “ten thousand things” which fill the world and compete for our attention and devotion.
Obtaining water as directly as possible from its natural source maximizes the natural luck with which it is associated. Getting water indirectly, as transported, processed, packaged and commercialized reduces the benefits. Wasting water and misusing it is sacrilege.
The common-sense way that Luckism® develops rules regarding water is a model for how LUCKISM® approaches all things in life.
Following Luckism® means paying close attention to how we affect natural luck in all aspects of life, in the materials we use, in the work we do, in the relationships have, in the transactions in which we engage and in the goals we set. This attention starts with our personal lives and extends to our behavior with respect to the larger entities to which we are connected, social and political communities, economic groups and religions.
It will be found that many of the good causes which we pursue for reasons of justice, fairness or logic have a preemptive spiritual basis in Luckism®. They arise from a basic need to live in conformity to our deepest understanding of what are the fundamental rules of the natural world. Luckism® lays claim to such a position. If a person can honestly believe the foundational facts of Luckism® then this design is the beginning of the unending process of trying to apply that understanding to the world.